Monday, 19 November 2012

why am i so bad at keeping up to date with blogging

I think once you fall into a pattern of just not doing something for a while you just seem to forget. Well thats how I feel a little update on where I have been lately. I decided that I need to start instagramming more and it just is so much easier to tell a story through photos..oh so cliche but true.

For now, shall I just speak about my hair. I got ma hair did! Yay! I want to do a hair care routine video but I need to get my shit together and actually start filming again but for now I'll just show ya'll a visual.

So I re-ombred my hair and it is much more intense..I also coloured my roots a cool brown colour and put some temporary pink colour on the tips as you can see. The pink is unfortunately gone *sigh* BUT I do love the over all colour. My hair is much drier than usual though and I still have issues with my roots being oily and considering I have thin hair...this is not a good blend. I feel icky wearing second day hair so its almost always up which is not good. But until I find a good routine for me I have to do with that :(


L x

Tuesday, 23 October 2012


I wanted to speak about this lovely...fruit...veggie? Good source of fat!

Number one not only does it taste good but I never realised the amazing health benefits. It is a super food mmm and its natures butter which is why I lurve it and don't feel bad lathering my sandwiches in it rather than margarine my other main man.

They are rich in :

Vitamin B
Viamin E and K
As well as full full full of fibré (sounds better pronounced in a French way hehe)

My favourite ways to eat an avo?

On toast or fresh bread
With roasted tomatoes (look out for my favourite recipe with tomato avocado and feta cheese)
Obviously in salads or cold pastas

 Stay tuned for a really easy and quick lunch recipe using 4 basic ingredients: tomatoes, avocado, feta cheese and bread!

image: my own!

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Top 10 Nailpolishes for Spring/Summer

So I have a youtube video up on  explaining my nailpolishes. Visit that at  As for a blog post... I have more than 10 nail polishes! So below are some photos and names of all the colours shown in the video. I hope you're all having a wonderful day! I can't wait to finish uni...then all of my time can be dedicated to making things and shopping and actually using my gym membership! Yay.  (some photos overlap with the colours..but youget the jist!)

right to left: sally hanson advanced hard as nails | seche vite dry fast top coat | sally hansen hard as nails extreme wear in white on | essie nail laquer in eternal optimist | chanel nail vernis in orange fizz | opi nail lacquer in if you moust you moust | opi nail lacquer in cajun salmon 

right to left (starting with butter london): butter london nail lacquer in pillar box red | opi nail lacquer in mr's o'leary's bbq | essie nail lacquer in wicked

right to left (starting with revlon nail polish): revlon top speed nail enamel in lily | bys nail polish in baby let's cruise | rimmel nail polish in summer days | colour club nail lacquer in orange revenge

right to left (starting with chanel): chanel nail vernis in black pearl | opi by sephora nail polish in what's a tire jack?  | opi by sephora top coat in only gold for me | opi by sephora top coat in flurry up | opi nail lacquer in metallic 4 life | opi nail lacquer (colour unkown- a black top coat with multicoloured glitter)


Monday, 15 October 2012

It's been 10 days....WHAT!?

SO SO SO SO bad of me. But at least I have an excuse..I've had a thousand uni essays and have been sick in this last week but I am now back for good. You can't get rid of me...well I'm not sure if any of you actually read this but HEY if you do then brace yourselves...anyway I don't even really know what I'm saying so...hahaha.

ANYWAY my point is. I have re-found my love with makeup and fashion. I was really into home decor these last few months..and I still am but I have decided that I have to pay more attention to my lovely beauty and fashion...paradigms..worlds? So in light of that, I need to express my LOVE LOVE LOVE for berry/mauve lips. Yes I know here in Aus we are going into Spring/Summer and usually darker lips are left for Winter but whats wrong with mixing it up? It still gets cool here in Sydney where I live, and I just think with the proper colour a mauve/berry lip with a floral outfit or even a beautiful white dress looks stunning.

love love love love love.

Hopefully I have a nice berry lip coming up on my youtube channel. Stay tuned!

L x

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Chocolate cake

I feel like I have neglected you so...but for a reason being university. (ugh) But I will leave you with a LOVELY recipe that I am delighted to share because when ever I have any free time I love to bake. Taken from the Not Quite Nigella website, (one of those websites that I wonder aimlessly through because its that good)  this One Bowl Chocolate Cake is my go to fix if I'm feeling like cheating on a lazy Friday afternoon. 

The cake is surprisingly light and is always a winner with people who don't even enjoy chocolate and the best thing about it? It requires one bowl and one spoon to prepare. Its fool proof. Enjoy the recipe here


Monday, 1 October 2012

Talon Tuesday

Everybody does a mani Monday so I decided to start my own tradition.

OPI's 'mrs o'leary's BBQ' with 'metallic 4 life' in my ring finger. Need to stop playing with my cuticles! Any tips??

L xo

Friday, 28 September 2012

The Braidy Bunch

Everybody has their great hair moments and whilst i'm already on the messy bun bandwagon seen at the Marni show this S/S 2013 (visual below- my bed hair will finally look fashionable), the rise in temperature here in Sydney has caused for a celebration of the good old hair braid. This is a round-up of my three favourite and timeless looks...

I've always loved Sienna's efortless style and fell in love when i saw this do years ago in my old magazines. Im still in love. This is perfect for a hot summer's day and for those (like me) who decided to cut their hair and in an effort to grow it back are going through that awkward length and running out of ways to style! Perfecto!

Next is Miss Olsen's barely there braid. Perfect solution to turn your hair from looking too 80's boof/fluffy to looking effortlessly groomed. A two minute do (assuming you already have beautifully curly/wavy tresses)

And new favourite. I want to run out and get extensions right now because this ponytail is fierce! I love fish braids...perfect for any occasion especially during this coming summer!

Have a beautiful day my readers!

xo L

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Getting my DIY on with jewellery

So I decided to get oh so creative and use some chain to make some jewellery pieces. What I came up with was a 'boho inspired headpiece', some dainty rings as well as the typical long necklace revamped by the dainty chain that is really on trend.

I created a youtube vid on this:

BUT I forgot to film how I created the whole headpiece so I will include instructions down below.

What you will need:

- a piece of chain, any colour will do. Long enough to go around 1.5-2 times around your head (where you want it to sit)
- pliers

1. Measure the piece of chain around the circumference of your head and cut it off (or you can open a link from the chain and unhook it so that you're not wasting any chain- open like you would a jump ring and then clamp to close)

2. Then to create the base of the headpiece, take one side of your cut piece and open up that end of the chain with your pliers like you would a jump ring. Hook the opposite loop into the open piece of chain and clamp close to create a closed circle base that fits nicely around your head.

3.  (not shown in the video) measure a piece of chain that goes from the middle of your forehead (where the chain sits) all up and along the middle of your head up to the crown and to the back of your head to connect to the chain and connect in the same way you just did for the base of the headpiece.

You are basically creating a circle of chain with a connected line in the middle of the circle to creative 2 semi circles if looking at it from the a bird's eye view.

Your end result should look something like this:

Hopefully my instructions weren't too confusing. I'm getting better at explaining things I promise....and the photos of my dopey head are just because they were screen shots from the vid.

L xo

Monday, 24 September 2012


What the favourite new snack bar Garman's dark choc cranberry and almond muesli bar. Eeee I just want to eat a whole packet of these. Maybe I should do a vid on healthy summer snack...

Sunday, 23 September 2012

My week in a blog post

Its so cliche but I love reading weekly round ups on blogs and so I decided to start my own.

This week was full of horrible eating patterns (starting tomorrow I start my healthy eating again- and maybe the odd dark chocolate blueberry snack) as well as lots o shopping mixed with a little bit of DIY's.

sunny mornings are the best, so is the feeling of changing my sheets

a little DIY decor project of mine- silk peonies in a mason jar. love

friday mornings are perfect for listening to old french music.

a pair of tights I bought from a stall at the rocks markets this sunday. the material looks a little bit different on camera...can't wait to style these. so nice and light for spring. 

Craving an ice cold old fashioned lemonade right now damn it! 

My last post for tonight, signing off until next time!

L x

Transition time

Another outfit of the day. I have been a bit lazy and will have to post yesterdays outfit since I didn't take any full photos of my super duper cute Sunday Market outfit but I am most likely to wear it again and so stay tuned for that ! (dont judge. I am sometimes a repeat offender...ONLY when the outfit is cute)

So I spent my day at spotlight with my madre looking for materials as we are making some Christmas Ornaments this year as part of our mother daughter bonding and then off to Costco we went. Yes it was my first visit and I must say it was pretty awesome. I can't wait till more christmas stuff comes out so I can get super excited...something about cheap christmas decor gets me excited..who doesn't love $2 snowman mugs?

ANYWHOO this was my little ensemble...very relaxed and perfect for a sunny but slightly chilly afternoon.

skirt: don't ask amanda / top: sportsgirl / shoes: love moschino / bracelets: small boutiques from greece and america (can't remember which one is from which!) / hat: sportsgirl

I love sunhats and this one is my favourite, i love the delicate touch the daisy's add. A really casual look! 

Hope you guys enjoyed!

L x

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Outfit of the day

Was feeling a little bit minimalistic yesterday and decided to wear this sexy little number to our wonderful city of Sydney for lunch and shopping with a friend.

Im loving this period of the year where the weather is changing and so layering is perfect as is black with anything to rough up an outfit.

Although a very classic nude and black simplistic look I tried to stick on trend with a pop of colour through my lipstick, pastel nails as well as  hints of blue in the accessories.

dress: alice mccall / leather jacket (not shown): lee / wedges: staccato / ring: ysl / pinky ring: diy / bracelet: hermes 

beauty note: revlon nailpolish in lily & mac lipstick in morange

Purple swag

I got blogger on my iPhone so I could blog and blog all day without having to be home.

Watching the game tonight at the local pub and thought I would share a little fashion moment I was having.

I love YSL arty rings and hope to add more to my collection. This is my favourite one, a beautiful deep purple stone to contrast my lilac nails. Yummy. Nailpolish is lily from revlon.

Love, L x

Friday, 21 September 2012


I have a slight obsession with candles. It's not an illness...yet but it is an addiction and I am so proud. My recent purchases have been from Australian brands Ecoya and Be Enlightened.

Black candles are so chic in my opinion. This scent is Orient Baies, very muted yet floral at the same time. A perfect transition scent to make any room smell peasant.

I went a bit nuts and purchased the Ecoya candle in Sweet Pea and Jasmine as well as the matching body lotion and then their lip balm. Loving the scent although you have to like sweet scents to enjoy this candle. It is very light and floral but has that edge of candy sweetness to it. Perfect for Spring and Summer!

My first DIY

So I was scouring YouTube looking for some simple DIY's to test out and came across a tutorial on how to repurpose candle jars. I took two of my Bath and Body Works candles (bought overseas unfortunately us Australians can only buy them through Ebay for a ridiculous price) and transformed them into bobby pin and hair elastic holders/containers. And here's how:

Materials needed:

-any old candle jars
-a knife
-cotton pads
-nail polish remover

1. place your candle in the fridge for around 15 minutes so that the left over wax hardens. (are you guys loving the meat and cheese or what? typical wog fridge)
2. using a sharp knife crack the cold wax so that large chunks easily peel out of the jar until they are all gone
3. make sure that all of the chunks have been removed
4. place a glass of water into the microwave for 1 minute or till the water is quite warm/hot

5. pour the hot water into the jar and swirl around for a few seconds to loosen the glue from the wick
6. your wick should remove easily with a knife
7. remove the sticker from the jar with ease. this should peel off
8. with your knife carefully remove the bottom label

9. soaking a cotton pad with nail polish remover/acetone clean any sticky areas or any areas with residue
10. tada! little containers for all of your goodies! 

Till next time dolls!

L x

Friday, 14 September 2012

Do you love random?

MY CAMERA IS FINALLY FIXED and so I can start making more vids and taking actual original and indie photos to upload to this blog. yay. 

Anyway...I uploaded (or am in the process of uploading) a collective haul for all you haul luvers because I don't know...I love hauls and I'm sure you all love them too. And after all of that shopping (and heaps more that I didn't include in the vid) I'm pretty much broke...soo..if you see me on Pitt St Mall busking ya'll know why. are some visuals. I promise to start uploading more posts...I am in the process of some DIY's so you shall see them soon as well as a SPRING/SUMMER 2012/13 GUIDE including a look book perhaps.  

pwetty necklace 

neon and rhinestone bracelet

my outfit of the day

top: Gap necklaces: Ebay and Colette skirt: Glassons boots: steve madden sunglasses: Dior

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Having a Gatsby moment

My blog has already been neglected as has my youtube but that is for a cammy is not working. NOOOO :( i know it's killing my life so whilst I figure out how to fix it..I'm afraid it has come to looking at google for images to accompany my many thoughts.

I've been in a Gatsby phase for around 6 solid months now, anything remotely art deco sends jitters to my stomach, theres just something about 1920's sickly opulent glamour that attracts me!

And today in the mail I received my beautifully art deco covered hard copy of the Great Gatsby designed by the lovely Coralie Bickford-Smith. Unfortunately the only visual I have of my little pride and joy (along with another Fitzgerald classic) is one from my instagram, but hey these babies talk for themselves without any fancay photography!

And so it then got me thinking...I should be cliche and incorporate a whole series of photos that celebrate this little moment the world is having in light of good old Fitzy.


Mia you DOLL.

Theres something about this packaging and the colour that just make me want to run out and buy a whole bunch

And so i'll end with an inspiring quote by the wise man himself: "Action is character" F. Scott Fitzgerald.

till next time 

L x

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Peony madness and Zimmerman SS/12

I feel it necessary to write the obligatory 'peony post' on how beautiful these flowers are. This spring I am so inspired by these beauties I would honestly paint a huge one on my wall if I could. I feel a DIY coming but I'm just not sure what! I put together a compilation of peony photographs plus a few of my favourite Zimmerman SS/12 looks that I think went perfectly with this floral frenzy I'm going through!

Images sourced from Google or Zimmerman website