Monday, 19 November 2012

why am i so bad at keeping up to date with blogging

I think once you fall into a pattern of just not doing something for a while you just seem to forget. Well thats how I feel a little update on where I have been lately. I decided that I need to start instagramming more and it just is so much easier to tell a story through photos..oh so cliche but true.

For now, shall I just speak about my hair. I got ma hair did! Yay! I want to do a hair care routine video but I need to get my shit together and actually start filming again but for now I'll just show ya'll a visual.

So I re-ombred my hair and it is much more intense..I also coloured my roots a cool brown colour and put some temporary pink colour on the tips as you can see. The pink is unfortunately gone *sigh* BUT I do love the over all colour. My hair is much drier than usual though and I still have issues with my roots being oily and considering I have thin hair...this is not a good blend. I feel icky wearing second day hair so its almost always up which is not good. But until I find a good routine for me I have to do with that :(


L x

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