Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Getting my DIY on with jewellery

So I decided to get oh so creative and use some chain to make some jewellery pieces. What I came up with was a 'boho inspired headpiece', some dainty rings as well as the typical long necklace revamped by the dainty chain that is really on trend.

I created a youtube vid on this:

BUT I forgot to film how I created the whole headpiece so I will include instructions down below.

What you will need:

- a piece of chain, any colour will do. Long enough to go around 1.5-2 times around your head (where you want it to sit)
- pliers

1. Measure the piece of chain around the circumference of your head and cut it off (or you can open a link from the chain and unhook it so that you're not wasting any chain- open like you would a jump ring and then clamp to close)

2. Then to create the base of the headpiece, take one side of your cut piece and open up that end of the chain with your pliers like you would a jump ring. Hook the opposite loop into the open piece of chain and clamp close to create a closed circle base that fits nicely around your head.

3.  (not shown in the video) measure a piece of chain that goes from the middle of your forehead (where the chain sits) all up and along the middle of your head up to the crown and to the back of your head to connect to the chain and connect in the same way you just did for the base of the headpiece.

You are basically creating a circle of chain with a connected line in the middle of the circle to creative 2 semi circles if looking at it from the a bird's eye view.

Your end result should look something like this:

Hopefully my instructions weren't too confusing. I'm getting better at explaining things I promise....and the photos of my dopey head are just because they were screen shots from the vid.

L xo

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