Sunday, 23 September 2012

Transition time

Another outfit of the day. I have been a bit lazy and will have to post yesterdays outfit since I didn't take any full photos of my super duper cute Sunday Market outfit but I am most likely to wear it again and so stay tuned for that ! (dont judge. I am sometimes a repeat offender...ONLY when the outfit is cute)

So I spent my day at spotlight with my madre looking for materials as we are making some Christmas Ornaments this year as part of our mother daughter bonding and then off to Costco we went. Yes it was my first visit and I must say it was pretty awesome. I can't wait till more christmas stuff comes out so I can get super excited...something about cheap christmas decor gets me excited..who doesn't love $2 snowman mugs?

ANYWHOO this was my little ensemble...very relaxed and perfect for a sunny but slightly chilly afternoon.

skirt: don't ask amanda / top: sportsgirl / shoes: love moschino / bracelets: small boutiques from greece and america (can't remember which one is from which!) / hat: sportsgirl

I love sunhats and this one is my favourite, i love the delicate touch the daisy's add. A really casual look! 

Hope you guys enjoyed!

L x

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