Friday, 14 September 2012

Do you love random?

MY CAMERA IS FINALLY FIXED and so I can start making more vids and taking actual original and indie photos to upload to this blog. yay. 

Anyway...I uploaded (or am in the process of uploading) a collective haul for all you haul luvers because I don't know...I love hauls and I'm sure you all love them too. And after all of that shopping (and heaps more that I didn't include in the vid) I'm pretty much broke...soo..if you see me on Pitt St Mall busking ya'll know why. are some visuals. I promise to start uploading more posts...I am in the process of some DIY's so you shall see them soon as well as a SPRING/SUMMER 2012/13 GUIDE including a look book perhaps.  

pwetty necklace 

neon and rhinestone bracelet

my outfit of the day

top: Gap necklaces: Ebay and Colette skirt: Glassons boots: steve madden sunglasses: Dior

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