Sunday, 23 September 2012

My week in a blog post

Its so cliche but I love reading weekly round ups on blogs and so I decided to start my own.

This week was full of horrible eating patterns (starting tomorrow I start my healthy eating again- and maybe the odd dark chocolate blueberry snack) as well as lots o shopping mixed with a little bit of DIY's.

sunny mornings are the best, so is the feeling of changing my sheets

a little DIY decor project of mine- silk peonies in a mason jar. love

friday mornings are perfect for listening to old french music.

a pair of tights I bought from a stall at the rocks markets this sunday. the material looks a little bit different on camera...can't wait to style these. so nice and light for spring. 

Craving an ice cold old fashioned lemonade right now damn it! 

My last post for tonight, signing off until next time!

L x

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