Monday, 15 October 2012

It's been 10 days....WHAT!?

SO SO SO SO bad of me. But at least I have an excuse..I've had a thousand uni essays and have been sick in this last week but I am now back for good. You can't get rid of me...well I'm not sure if any of you actually read this but HEY if you do then brace yourselves...anyway I don't even really know what I'm saying so...hahaha.

ANYWAY my point is. I have re-found my love with makeup and fashion. I was really into home decor these last few months..and I still am but I have decided that I have to pay more attention to my lovely beauty and fashion...paradigms..worlds? So in light of that, I need to express my LOVE LOVE LOVE for berry/mauve lips. Yes I know here in Aus we are going into Spring/Summer and usually darker lips are left for Winter but whats wrong with mixing it up? It still gets cool here in Sydney where I live, and I just think with the proper colour a mauve/berry lip with a floral outfit or even a beautiful white dress looks stunning.

love love love love love.

Hopefully I have a nice berry lip coming up on my youtube channel. Stay tuned!

L x

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