Tuesday, 23 October 2012


I wanted to speak about this lovely...fruit...veggie? Good source of fat!

Number one not only does it taste good but I never realised the amazing health benefits. It is a super food mmm and its natures butter which is why I lurve it and don't feel bad lathering my sandwiches in it rather than margarine my other main man.

They are rich in :

Vitamin B
Viamin E and K
As well as full full full of fibré (sounds better pronounced in a French way hehe)

My favourite ways to eat an avo?

On toast or fresh bread
With roasted tomatoes (look out for my favourite recipe with tomato avocado and feta cheese)
Obviously in salads or cold pastas

 Stay tuned for a really easy and quick lunch recipe using 4 basic ingredients: tomatoes, avocado, feta cheese and bread!

image: my own!

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Top 10 Nailpolishes for Spring/Summer

So I have a youtube video up on  explaining my nailpolishes. Visit that at www.youtube.com/lilacinlove.  As for a blog post... I have more than 10 nail polishes! So below are some photos and names of all the colours shown in the video. I hope you're all having a wonderful day! I can't wait to finish uni...then all of my time can be dedicated to making things and shopping and actually using my gym membership! Yay.  (some photos overlap with the colours..but youget the jist!)

right to left: sally hanson advanced hard as nails | seche vite dry fast top coat | sally hansen hard as nails extreme wear in white on | essie nail laquer in eternal optimist | chanel nail vernis in orange fizz | opi nail lacquer in if you moust you moust | opi nail lacquer in cajun salmon 

right to left (starting with butter london): butter london nail lacquer in pillar box red | opi nail lacquer in mr's o'leary's bbq | essie nail lacquer in wicked

right to left (starting with revlon nail polish): revlon top speed nail enamel in lily | bys nail polish in baby let's cruise | rimmel nail polish in summer days | colour club nail lacquer in orange revenge

right to left (starting with chanel): chanel nail vernis in black pearl | opi by sephora nail polish in what's a tire jack?  | opi by sephora top coat in only gold for me | opi by sephora top coat in flurry up | opi nail lacquer in metallic 4 life | opi nail lacquer (colour unkown- a black top coat with multicoloured glitter)


Monday, 15 October 2012

It's been 10 days....WHAT!?

SO SO SO SO bad of me. But at least I have an excuse..I've had a thousand uni essays and have been sick in this last week but I am now back for good. You can't get rid of me...well I'm not sure if any of you actually read this but HEY if you do then brace yourselves...anyway I don't even really know what I'm saying so...hahaha.

ANYWAY my point is. I have re-found my love with makeup and fashion. I was really into home decor these last few months..and I still am but I have decided that I have to pay more attention to my lovely beauty and fashion...paradigms..worlds? So in light of that, I need to express my LOVE LOVE LOVE for berry/mauve lips. Yes I know here in Aus we are going into Spring/Summer and usually darker lips are left for Winter but whats wrong with mixing it up? It still gets cool here in Sydney where I live, and I just think with the proper colour a mauve/berry lip with a floral outfit or even a beautiful white dress looks stunning.

love love love love love.

Hopefully I have a nice berry lip coming up on my youtube channel. Stay tuned!

L x

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Chocolate cake

I feel like I have neglected you so...but for a reason being university. (ugh) But I will leave you with a LOVELY recipe that I am delighted to share because when ever I have any free time I love to bake. Taken from the Not Quite Nigella website, (one of those websites that I wonder aimlessly through because its that good)  this One Bowl Chocolate Cake is my go to fix if I'm feeling like cheating on a lazy Friday afternoon. 

The cake is surprisingly light and is always a winner with people who don't even enjoy chocolate and the best thing about it? It requires one bowl and one spoon to prepare. Its fool proof. Enjoy the recipe here


Monday, 1 October 2012

Talon Tuesday

Everybody does a mani Monday so I decided to start my own tradition.

OPI's 'mrs o'leary's BBQ' with 'metallic 4 life' in my ring finger. Need to stop playing with my cuticles! Any tips??

L xo